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Download Free Screen Savers - (click on an image to download)

  • Lockheed Martin Outer Space Screen Saver
  • Created in 2002 by Rick Davids and Russ Underwood.
  • See up close photos of planets, nebula, and spacecraft.
  • Over 70 photos. Total ZIP file size = 9.9 MB
  • Jellyfish and Rhodedendron Screen Saver
  • Photos of Monterey Aquarium jellyfish and Santa Cruz Mountain rhododendron blossoms in May.
  • 65 photos. Total ZIP file size = 7.3 MB
  • Lockheed Martin Aircraft Screen Saver
  • See historic Lockheed and Martin Marietta aircraft since 1907.
  • 71 photos. Total ZIP file size = 9.3 MB
  • 2007 Russian Air Show
  • See the fighters, bombers, sea and aircraft of the Russian Air Force
  • XX screens. Total ZIP file size = 7.6 MB
  • Neptune Aircraft Screen Saver
  • See over 30 variations of the Neptune Aircraft used around the world.
  • 45 photos. Total ZIP file size = 2.7 MB
  • ElectroOptics Screen Saver
  • See nebula, planets and space phenomenon.
  • 40 photos. Total ZIP file size = 6.2 MB
  • See what New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada look like on US Route 40
  • Taken in March 2008.
  • Sample screen
  • 48 screens. Total ZIP file size = 8.3 MB
  • See the streets of Plaka in Athens, Poros, Hydra, Santorini, Napflio, Hosios Loukas, and Arahova.
  • Taken in January 2006.
  • Sample screen
  • 66 screens. Total ZIP file size = 9.3 MB
  • See the archaeology of Delphi, the Acropolis, the Parthenon, Epidavros, and the ancient Greek Agora where true democracy began.
  • Taken in January 2006.
  • Sample screen
  • 49 screens. Total ZIP file size = 7.5 MB
  • See a beautiful collection of doors and windows from Northern Italy.
  • Taken by the world traveler and photographer, Russ Underwood.
  • Sample screen
  • Total ZIP file size = 7.9MB
  • See all of Norman Rockwell's and Satori's Boy's Life covers 1932-2000
  • See the Founder's Page and Boy Scout Oath.
  • See the Boy Scout Pledge, Motto, and Slogan. Over 1,000 downloads as of 1 Jan 2005
  • Sample screen
  • 64 covers with 5 introduction screens. Total ZIP file size = 3.9MB
  • See all 21 Deep Slow Easy stretching and strengthening exercises plus the Long and Short Courses and the Good Advice screens
  • Each screen shown for 45 seconds to give you plenty of time to read
  • Sample screen
  • Total ZIP file size = 2.7MB
  • Dedicated to our freedom, liberty, and American way - least we forget
  • Screens shown for 7 secs to remind us of the great sacrifice made by the firefighters of New York City. Over 550 downloads.
  • Sample screen
  • 141 photos in 58 screens. Total ZIP file size = 2.6MB
  • See classic architecture and monuments from around the world
  • Excellent enlargements of beautiful B/W and seriograph postcards
  • 75 images
  • Sample screen
  • Total ZIP file size = 3.8MB
  • Hear and read simple French phrases displayed in context
  • Each screen shown for 15 seconds
  • Screens displayed randomly to challenge you each time.
  • Sample screen
  • Total ZIP file size = 2.4MB
  • See all 7 exercise posters with 21 separate exercises
  • Each screen shown for 15 seconds
  • Screens displayed randomly to challenge you each time.
  • Sample screen
  • Total ZIP file size = 1.6MB


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