Web Site Construction
Web Site Applications Dreamweaver MX, PageMill Pro 3.0, Paint Shop Pro 5.0, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, HotMetal Pro 4.0, Gif Animator 2.0, HiJaack Pro 3.0, Morph 2.5.
Breathing Animations Created 200 x 200 pixel body graphic of first and last frames. Created avi file using Morph and imported that into Gif Animator 2.0. Each gif animiation contains 12 frames.
Posters Exercise posters are 40-50Kb low quality, grayscale jpg files edited in Photoshop 5.0. GIF images were larger.
Page Background Netscape safe color (R=51, G=51, B=102)
Banner Image Map Created in PhotoShop 5.0
Father / Son Animation Created in Morph 2.5. Imported into Gif Animator 2.0 for editing out slides. File size = 76Kb.
Breathing Animation Buttons Freeware buttons labeled in PhotoShop 5.0.
Video (avi) Created in Morph 2.5. Compressor = Microsoft Video 1 (32) Frames = 8 / sec Quality = 50 at 16 bit AVI file = 748 Kb.
Sign Pick Buttons Created in PhotoShop and PaintShop Pro. Size = 75 x 75 pixels. Background = body fleshtone gif. Blue text = R0/G0/B255. Button bevel height = 5 pixels. Button bevel width = 5 pixels. Opacity = 25. Solid edge.
Photos All photos scanned from glossy positives. All are jpg files cropped in Photoshop and saved as jpg using HiJaack Pro with a quality level of 10.

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